The Firewalk Instructor Training course is designed to provide individuals with the skills and knowledge necessary to lead groups of people through the firewalking experience. The course will cover topics such as the history and psychology of firewalking, safety procedures, and how to communicate effectively with participants.
In addition, you will experience Glasswalking, Board and Brick Breaking, Snapping Arrows with your Throat, Bending Steel Rebar with your Throat, and More!!
Upon completion of the course, students can confidently lead groups of people through the firewalking experience and all of the elements you experience.
Imagine how you could add all of these elements to your toolbox?
The Firewalking Institute of Research and Education is the HOME OF FIREWALKING and where firewalking for personal and professional development started back in the '80s. Thousands of firewalk instructors from around the world, including such notables as Tony Robbins, T Harv Eker, and Dr. Weil.
We now have added over $9,000 of bonuses to help you launch and grow your business, including a free FIT repeat, lifetime membership to the International Firewalk Federation, marketing and sales training, all the graphic designs needed for your website, social media, and marketing, predesigned marketing materials, and more. All part of our FIT Scholarship.
If you are called to change lives, or maybe you are looking to level up your life, FIT Certification is the game changer for your coaching, healing, training company, or life.
ATTENTION: When purchasing, you will be able to pick what date you want to attend on the thank you page! As a precaution, we will also send out an email with the form to pick your date!
So, what is in the FIT SCHOLARSHIP?
Plus, you still receive all the included F.I.T. Bonuses:
Please read—the not so fine, fine print.
Valid for FITS only in the U.S.A.
Any questions, email me directly —